Friday, January 25, 2013

I'm Doing It!!!

Last year was a bad year for me on so many fronts......

I don't think I want to waste even 10 minutes of 2013 listing the reasons why, I am looking forward. I am claiming that 2013 will be a good year. I will say that if I offended you by being short, rude or just totally unresponsive; I apologise. If I stood you up on a special day or promised to be somewhere and didn't make it; I apologise. I know I promised to do things that I didn't and for those I also apologise. I hope you can all forgive me and to those who are not with us anymore I hope this reaches you. 

Moving forward, I realised that one of the things I enjoy the most is catching up with friends I have made on my 38 year journey and I want to spend time with you this year. Time is precious but we often take it for granted, let's change this. Please let me know if you want to meet up with me..... We can put it in the diary months in advance or we can be spontaneous, it's up to you.

I also fancy doing things that I have never done before or that have been a long time since..... All ideas welcome! 

I think that I have said what I need to say and I look forward to looking at this post in twelve months time and thinking to myself......" You did it!"

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The first of many....?

Well the first day of 2013 has come and gone and I survived!

Happy New Year everyone! Welcome to my blog! Last year I was totally rubbish at writing this but although I don't do resolutions my goal is to regularly update it this year because I plan to have an awesome 2013 and so I want record what happens.

I spent NYE with a small group of friends and it was really nice..... Apart from losing in Dai Dee (don't ask, that's your homework!). My friend cooked an excellent spread including Eggs Benedict and Rib Eye Steaks, DELICIOUS! We played Monopoly and I lost.... Apparently because I was too stubborn. Me stubborn? Do me a favour!  Like is said, we also played Dai Dee and I lost. Even though I didn't win the games, it was nice to chill out and just be. Do you know what I mean?

Anyway, I left there at 6am and waited for a bus that was due to arrive in 22 mins for nearly an hour! I didn't realise how quickly the time had passed as I was really enjoying listening to some tunes and thinking about the year ahead. I also met a dear friend David, whom I have not seen in a long time... He was out on an early morning jog so we caught up for a few mins. I must stay in contact with him! I ended up walking to the Tube Station and got home at 0820! I slept for most of the day and then when I did wake, I had some dinner and then fell asleep again only waking to watch MoTD. I guess this is why I am up now...... Sigh.

Well, that's the first day over, now on to the next one..... Over the coming days and weeks I will bore you with what happens in my world and I welcome you to add your comments or questions. No man is an island and as such I welcome you to share in my 2013 journey.

I want to say special thank yous and Happy New Year to Paul, Bobby, Jose, Amber, Claudia and last but so not least Pat! Thank you all for the NYE invites and I look forward to catching up in 2013!

Until next time. x