Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Year To Forget???

Today I have been indoors all day and have used the time to 'take stock'....... I have thought about where I was last year at this time and where I am now and it's not good reading folks....... 

It has been a year where most of my goals & dreams have remained untouched, unmet & pushed back. I have not been as successful as I wanted to be at work (sorry Boss!). Poker has been shockingly bad and I have not played any of the events that I wanted to play this year, My favourite club, The International closed down whilst I was away in Vegas, during the summer and I have properly fallen out with one of my best friends (you know who you are), but I will fix it...... Promise! My health has been on a perpetual down swing and to top it off, I am just about to lose a long standing bet with another friend and I am abso gutted about that.....! 

Anyway, I want this to be positive or at least be able to take some positives from it! I am counting down the days, hours, minutes & seconds to 2013. I know, I know, there are still 71 days of the year to go but I have to be realistic..... I am going to spend this time preparing to hit 2013 with a massive uppercut. I will have a massive upswing in 2013. My life has been in 10 year cycles and the last perfect year was 2003 (who remembers?!) and I will have that again! 
A happy me in 2003..... Sigh!

I am not going to wait for New Years to make resolutions.... I am going to start now. For me 2012 is already fading into history & 2013 is starting early! So Happy New Year everyone! 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Stimulated by unstimulating people.....

So tonight I have been watching the live stream from the English Poker Open (EPO2012) and the commentary has been rather average so I told them so....... FML Big Mistake! They have tried their best to stimulate me with talk about teeth..... Urgh! They didn't even know the legendary International when they saw my picture there...... Some commentators!

They went on to give me the rub as I have not updated this blog in nearly a year and for that I really do apologise. I have been shamed into at writing something and will try to keep it going....... Especially as I have Amanda Williams giving me the rub too!

Anyway, in your eye! From Ghana's first WSOP winner (2013)!!!!!!